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7 Lucky Charms

7 Lucky Charms

All Modern Energy Art is magic, of course. Some you hang on the wall. Some you stand on an altar, or your bedside table. Others you wear to make your energy body smile. I was in need of some brand new charms so I made ... 7 Lucky Charms :-)

7 Lucky Charms - wearable Modern Energy Art by Silvia Hartmann

7 Lucky Charms - wearable Modern Energy Art by Silvia Hartmann

All have different energy - which one would you choose ...?


A Mens was most attracted by the energy and joined the photoshoot ... :-)

A mens sneaking into the 7 Lucky Charms photoshoot

Mens are the original Luck/Happiness/Joy Charms, of course :-)

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Text & Images © Silvia Hartmann 1993 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.