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Art Solutions![]() Modern Energy Art Solutions is when the modern energy artist takes charge of their processes of creativity, and uses them to deliberately create a work of art that is the SOLUTION to a problem. This puts the artist in charge of what they want to experience in the process of creating a work of modern energy art.
Added Nov 1, 2016
| 9,865 Reads
Modern Energy Art SolutionsArt Solutions is when the modern energy artist takes charge of their processes of creativity, and uses them to deliberately create a work of art that is the SOLUTION to a problem. This puts the artist in charge of what they want to experience in the process of creating a work of modern energy art. It also puts the artist in charge of their legacy - what do they want other people to experience as a result of interacting with their art? The original story of Art Solutions came from an artist who painted "their abuse pain" for many years, and until I said to him, "Stop painting the problem, start painting the solution!" This obviously produces completely different forms of art, and results in totally different energy art objects. Instead of producing disgust, anger and depression, Art Solutions produces objects that are inspirational by nature. The energy Art Solutions creations exude does not add to the already existing chaos and misery, it seeks to find a way out of that and into beauty, clarity and logic. Of course, angry people who are still suffering may CHOOSE to inflict their revenge on the general public and leave this as their legacy; but Art Solutions offers that CHOICE. This is so important, I cannot overstate it. Art Solutions does not result in Hitlerized visions of perfect people according to some Nazi ideal of perfection. Art Solutions produces NEW and highly CREATIVE works of art that bring about a forward momentum in the development of the artist. It allows us to address personal problems, societal problems, human problems and situations in a new way. Artists are not supposed to be like "reporters" who "report" on all that's bad and ugly and wrong in the world. Nor are they necessarily just reporters of all that's good, beautiful and holy in the world either. That's being a reporter, not an artist. Artists are the leaders and magicians of our societies. They are supposed to give us a vision to move us forward, to help evolve the human race. Re-stating what there is over and over again is not the solution to this. Asking the right questions and expecting a creative answer however, is. And it's easy, simple and natural. We have these wonderful minds which will give us endless answers once we start asking the right questions. Instead of, "Let's paint a picture that reports how miserable it is to be homeless!" try this. "Let's paint a picture that holds within it the solution to the problem of homelessness." What colours would you use? What movements, what lines, what medium, what "comes to mind"? That would be an Art Solution. Art Solutions takes each and every artist who even tries to apply this to their own art FORWARD on their journey as an artist. Art Solutions produces wonderful, creative and inspiring works of art that are magical and bring something wonderful into the world. Art Solutions are the only logical way to apply modern energy art. Indeed, I find it difficult to imagine a modern energist wanting to do anything else! There is an enormous, infinite space of creative, NEW solutions to the endless old problems of humanity out there. We cannot reach it by looking backwards on what the ol' ancestors got up to. We cannot reach it by endlessly re-stating the problems and the suffering. We cannot reach it by reporting on what's wrong, or what's right. All of that is already known! We can step into that infinite space of true creativity by turning to the future, and asking the personal question, "What's my next step here? What is my person Art Solution that will help me (progress, change, heal, EVOLVE!)?" This makes art perfectly personal, perfectly unique, perfectly fascinating, perfectly PERFECT - for each and every artist who gives this a go. It produces amazing art that make people take notice, and WANT to interact with. Finally, it opens to door to a whole new world of art, and a whole new generation of artists, because I believe that art is a birthright for every human being. Art Solutions is important. For artists, and for humanity at large. Silvia Hartmann November 1st, 2016
See also:
Art Solutions Symbol Paintings by Silvia Hartmann
Added Nov 1, 2016
| 9,865 Reads
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