The Abstract Art Energy Exercise
1. Scroll your screen so you can see only one picture at a time.
2. Look at the picture and pay attention how it makes you feel.
3. Especially notice WHERE you feel the picture in your body. Touch these places with your hands so you can really notice how different energy forms are affecting you in different *locations*.
Remember to breathe deeply throughout the exercise!
4. You can notice how the colors and shapes from the paintings remind you of certain things, trigger certain ideas or memories, and how this works together with the feelings you are having to create a "like" or "dislike" of the painting.
5. If you want to, you can work with those feelings, ideas and energies so they flow more smoothly. Any good energy psychology method such as EMO or EFT can be used to achieve this. Notice how this also works to "change your mind" about the painting and how much more information/insight/understanding is available once reversals have been cleared.
6. Move on to the next painting. Notice how DIFFERENT it feels even though it is essentially the same abstract landscape, only the colors have changed. Notice the difference in the energy from the painting, and also how you respond to this energy.
7. You can work with your responses as in No. 5 for each painting, or simply notice how they affect you.
Now, take a deep breath, relax, and scroll to the first painting.

This simple exercise is a very good example to help us notice how we respond to energy in the environment with emotion, thought, memory and judgement. With a little practice, and by paying attention, we can become aware of what there really is, how we respond to what there is, and make changes.
We can change how we respond by working with our own emotions and responses to establish an Even Flow;
and we can also change our environments by removing energy objects which are unhelpful or broadcast types of energy that we don't want to have around,
as well as being able to locate AND CREATE other objects which bring energy we find beneficial, nutritious and helpful.
This gives us a lot of flexibility to enhance our environments AND our responses, and brings extra energy, as well as saving energy that is no longer spent on fighting off unwanted influences or wrestling with personal reversals.
And of course, visits to art galleries will become A WHOLE NEW EXPERIENCE.