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AI: Alien Intelligence

AI: Alien Intelligence

Every so often, something comes along that wasn't expected or even asked for :-) AI Alien Intelligence is one of these :-)

I accidentally made a thing that was sparkly. 

I put it on a black canvas. 

At first, I was going to put sparklies around it so it was like a Borg cube floating in space.

But then something else wanted to be done instead. 


Symbol lines!

Fair enough. Connecting the centre to the edges ... 

Let's put some sparkles on it and call it day!

But ... no. 

It wanted something else. 

It wanted the "cars ..." 

 The symbol lines were pathways upon these "cars" travel. 

As I was placing them down, they really did move around, it was quite strange. 

To find their final positions, the "snapshot" of their travels on these "roads," I had to move them on the roads until I got the Click. Very strange experience but also quite enjoyable :-)

Oh and I wasn't to put the strong sparkles into the final coating. That seemed to be important. 

What is this called?

AI - Alien Intelligence. 

With a giggle attached. 


Here is Alien Intelligence. 


So here's the complete thing:




Alien Intelligence - Silvia Hartmann 2021

Alien Intelligence - Silvia Hartmann 2021


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