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Art is Alchemy! Gorgeous statement, but very true. I'm not talking about physical conversions of lead to gold here; it's energy alchemy, of course, and what could be more fun than that???

I make my own "magic treasures mix" for certain things, in this case some new lucky stars ๐Ÿ™‚ by cutting up all manner of different materials into smaller and smaller pieces ๐Ÿ™‚ until The CLICK tells me that's perfect now ๐Ÿ™‚ Art is alchemy ๐Ÿ™‚ย 


Art is Alchemy Meme

The Art is Alchemy Meme :-)


I first got into this alchemy thing when making Mens; adding a little something to shift the energy.

The Mens: The Peridot Tribe 2016 by Silvia Hartmann

In this example, I added Peridot (thus creating the Peridot tribe). I found this super fascinating and started to experiment with all sorts of crystals, materials (like black volcanic sand from Hawaii), silk, organic materials - that was so much fun!

I think because the Mens themselves are such a strong underlying energy, it was perfect for creating these subtle shifts.

A bit later, my aspects started also making the so called "organite" pyramids. I still do, to this day. But the whole thing is on the same path as grinding your own pigments for paints, or adding certain things for certain purposes to paints, glazes, the materials of sculptures, whatever they may be, It's all about ENERGY. And with the dear Energy Mind on board to make suggestions as to what might be added or combined, and The Click to know for certain what goes in and when something is enough (!), and of course, a basic POSITIVE Set Up of any kind, you can't go wrong.

An entire Universe of fun and games awaits!


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