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DragonGold Ezine

DragonGold Ezine

Modern Energy Art isn't just paintings and sculptures. MEA embraces all forms of art and creativity, and that includes the curious field of writing. In MEA, we are working with datastreams of information from the Energy Mind, sensions rather than visions, and we translate these sensions into pictures, movies, songs and of course, stories. DragonGold Ezine is the first publisher of Modern Energy Art stories, poems, songs - metasong.

Flying the planes in purple illustration for dragongold ezine

Stories From The Otherworlds

We can be here, or there.

There, there are infinite worlds awaiting,

infinite stories happening

all at the same time.


We can travel there

and we bring back

treasures and riches,



that expand

our universe.


Do you understand this?


Do you love OTHER stories,

rich in nourishment,

and never, ever heard before?





True freedom to travel

to any time, to any where.


Do you love real stories ..?

Do you have stories to tell ..?


DragonGold Logo - The DragonGold DragonCoin

DragonGold Ezine

Stories from the Otherworlds


Silvia's Silver Copyright Symbol
Text & Images © Silvia Hartmann 1993 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.