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Elory's Continuum

Elory's Continuum There has been an evolution of Elory - under construction for now.

Elory's Joy in Golden Horse open page illustration

Elory's Continuum Live Transcript

Now, possibly the best story I ever read, sorry, wrote so far, is Elory's Joy. And in Elory's Joy, this being comes into a room that is filled with stars on the ceiling. And it's a map of the known universe. And as you look around this map, You can see it's connected. But there are some places where you can tell that a star is missing. But it should be there. It had to be there because the entire pattern wouldn't make any sense without it.

So even though Elory is looking up at something that isn't there, he can tell it's not there. by the patterns around it. And he calls that, that is a dark world. And then he goes to find what's gone on with that dark world. And then he will, he rushes away.

And that's why it's called Elory's Joy, because he is full of joy and excitement at the thought of bringing back a dark world, bringing back the light to it. so that it can take its place in that pattern and the whole thing can line up, light up. And that part of the pattern is then complete. That's the story of Elory's Joy. I think I wrote that somewhere around 2000. It's a lovely story. It's a very interesting story at the multi-level, but for us with the missing events, this came to mind to me.

My dear energy mind presented it and said, here, here it is, Silvia. This is what you need to do. So would you like to have a go at a nice little meditation?

Okay. So yeah, take a deep breath.

And if you want to, you can close your eyes as you transfer yourself into that other world, the world of pure energy, of pure information, the world of sanctuary.

Breathe deeply as you step into a bright space. There is a great building before you. It is a great dome made from some very advanced material. And you can see three steps leading into the entrance.

The air is bright and fresh and clear.

You feel well and eagerly excited to step inside, to see what you might find, to sense what you might sense, to learn what you did come today to learn.

So move forward with your best speed. Take those three steps. with elegant leaps and enter into the great hall.

As you step inside, the light gently fades behind you and you look up and what you see is a canopy of stars.

This is a map of the living universe, but not any universe.

This is your universe.

This is your map of stars.

Slowly move towards the center of the room and look up and look around. As you do this, you begin to notice that gravity no longer holds you here and as the ground dissolves beneath your feet, you are gently floating in the center of what is a completely circular sphere with stars above and stars below.

Stars ahead and stars behind and stars are all around you. And you are just amazed and you are loving this space.

This is your life.

These are your stars and you might very well be inside your own soul.

But as you look around and see all those beautiful stars shining brightly in the sky above, sending their light, sending their love, gentle, gentle pulses of existence, you notice you can tune into one of them.

And as you do, receive that information and you think to yourself, this is amazing. I can come here at any time and find the right star just for me at this moment. But here we are today to do something else.

We are here today to do what Elory can do, and that is to find a missing event.

Track gently now across this massive sphere and find a place that draws you because there should be a light there, but it is missing.

A place that is awaiting for enlightenment, for there to be a star. And here we are today and what I would like you to do now is to listen carefully and follow my instructions for I am Elory here and you are here to learn.

Gently turn around so that you directly face that place where there should be a light, but it is missing.

Breathe deeply as you fine tune your body so that your heart is directly in alignment with that place where a light should be, but it is missing.

Breathe deeply as you allow your desire to activate and enlighten that place that has been waiting for love for so long. allow this desire to rise up in you.

And as that happens, you can sense all the already activated stars in this giant sphere to begin to send their light to you, to strengthen you, to power you up, to spin up your heart center and you can feel this powerful energy building up inside your heart of gold. And it builds up and you know exactly what's going to happen.

It's going to build up and up and when it has reached the perfect energy, the perfect vibration, it is going to explode like a pure white laser beam. and activate the waiting star that had been missing but it needs to be there to activate not just itself, but all the stars that are around it waiting for it to connect, as it will do right now as you breathe one more time and then with joy allow that pulse of starry light and let it go and let it activate the star in the web.

Breathe deeply as you notice how that star's birth ripples in joy and light throughout the entire star field, the entire web, how you can sense it above, around and all the way around behind you and up the front and all around.

The entire web is filled with joy and with delight, having received one of its children.

Finally, at last, and you can sense a cheering, an applause from beings far and wide who are excited and delighted at your endeavour.

Now please take all the time you need and that may be just one breath or two or three to integrate the experience and to make sure that you remember that you can come and yet anew afresh to learn more about your stars to have a personal relationship with them and to be able to touch each one in a way that is way beyond words so now breathe deeply and when you are ready.

Do not say farewell to this space, but simply leave an aspect of you there that will be your channel so that that space is always with you, always accessible to you at all times. And simply let your consciousness slide right back down to here and now into your body.

Open up your eyes and welcome back.

Now, how was that?

Transcript Excerpt from Star Lab “Missing Events” June 2024

Elory's Continuum (c) Silvia Hartmann

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