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Exhibition of Modern Energy Art 2021 - NEW WORLDS

Exhibition of Modern Energy Art 2021 - NEW WORLDS

On November 14th, the New Worlds exhibition of Modern Energy Art took place in the virtual space and in conjunction with the 23rd GoE Conference. 11 pieces through the year of 2021 and a gallery tour by yours truly! :-)

One of my favourite things about the GoE Conference was always to display the latest pieces of Modern Energy Art. This started in 2008 at an EMO conference at the Gatwick Europa, and I've been doing it ever since. It is wonderful to have other energists interact with my art and seeing the results of inspiration and happiness!

This year's virtual conference demanded a virtual gallery tour and so my aspects set out to find a virtual gallery software to make it happen. However, they didn't like the virtual gallery packages on offer and found them to be boring, bland and lifeless. Instead, she designed her own simple virtual gallery space in the GoE colours for the occasion and created a guided tour, as it would have been at a live conference.

Gallery Opening Screen

Gallery cover screen featuring the Aspect Angel



Inside the virtual gallery exhibition

Inside the virtual exhibition space


Take the tour!


New Worlds Modern Energy Art Virtual Exhibition & Gallery Tour with Silvia Hartmann


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