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Genius Symbols Public Demonstration Set

Genius Symbols Public Demonstration Set

I gave a short 15 minute presentation on The Genius Symbols at the GoE conference last year. Normally I draw the symbols live to show how simple they are and ask the audience to guess what they might be to demonstrate they are easy to learn, so that's what I did. This caused a certain gentleman to give me a set of canvases for Christmas and the idea/task to make a symbol set for group demonstrations. I did and here they are.

Magic Symbol from The Genius Symbols

Magic Symbol held to show scale.

All 23 Genius Symbol paintings

All 23 Genius Symbol Paintings

Trade, Space & Animal

Trade, Space & Animal

Spirit, Weather, Aspect, Dragon & Crystal

Spirit, Weather, Aspect, Dragon & Crystal

Genius Symbols Stardust, People, Gift, Creativity & Angel

Stardust, People, Gift, Creativity & Angel

Genius Symbols House, Magic, Friends, Dance & Plant

House, Magic, Friends, Dance & Plant

Genius Symbols Alien, Time, Artefact, Star and Land

Alien, Time, Artefact, Star & Land


Genius Symbol sets can be made out of almost everything. You can see more of mine and other people's Genius Symbol Sets here.

Learn The Genius Symbols & make your own sets.

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