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Gold Holographic Spaghetti

Gold Holographic Spaghetti

The Gold Holographic Spaghetti sculpture ... the only one in the world ...?

This is how it all began!!!

The thought kept nagging at me that it is rare to find an object that returns zero search results on Ebay.

Eventually, I cooked some spaghetti to start on the process of creating such an artefact.

Man, that sounded so much easier than it was ...

Take it from me, it's a !"!£"!!. Cooked spaghetti when dried thoroughly becomes insanely brittle.

But I persevered and here we are:

Gold Holographic Spaghetti, truly a "one of a kind" object ...


Gold Holographic Spaghetti

Gold Holographic Spaghetti & Friends :-)

Creator of Gold Holographic Spaghetti Silvia Hartmann


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