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Life Will Find A Way

Life Will Find A Way

"Life will find a way" - originally entitled "Brickworld," this visual metaphor has been a great source of comfort to me, an inspiration and an energy connection that is available anywhere one would like to look for it.

Life Will Find A Way: Brickworld

May 2009


Brickworld Oasis

Brickworld Oasis




Brickworld Wilderness



Alien Invader

Brickworld Alien Invader


Life In Lanes

Brickworld Life In Lanes



Brickworld In Perspective

Brickworld In Perspective



Tiny flower garden

Brickworld Tiny Flower Garden



Brickworld Tiny Flower Garden Detail 1

Brickworld Tiny Flower Garden Detail 1



Brickworld Tiny Flower Garden Detail 2

Brickworld Tiny Flower Garden Detail 2



Life Will Find A Way

Brickworld Life Will Find A Way



Life On Rock

Brickworld Life On Rock



Brickworld Habitat - you don't need to  go far to find true beauty

Brickworld Habitat


© Silvia Hartmann 09



Life Will Find A Way
Silvia Hartmann

Sometimes it seems that we are small
so fragile
so alone

Sometimes it seems
that around us everything is hard and unforgiving

Sometimes it seems
that we can't do this
it's too much
it's too difficult
it can't be done

But we are made by the same force
that made the stars in the sky
the universe and all it holds
the galaxies, the flowers and the trees
and inside us too
there is this force
the will to live
the will to thrive
for life
will find a way

We are so much stronger than we think we are
We are so much more capable than we think we are
We are so much tougher than we think we are
And we are so much more
than we ever know ourselves

Remeber this:

We are made from the same stuff that swirls the galaxies
We have the force of life in every cell,
in every atom and in every part of our being
and life will always find a way

So too will you
So too will I

Our paths may be winding
Our time may be long or short
but as long as we have a single breath in our bodies
we carry the force of life
it carries us
it holds us, loves us
for life is strong
and it is eternal
and life will always
find a way.

           Silvia Hartmann, 2009

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