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Miracle Pyramid

Miracle Pyramid

Whilst working on Dragon Flying, it came to pass that a sparkly pyramid wanted to be constructed ...

Miracle Pyramid under construction

Miracle Pyramid under construction

As I was building the pyramid, it occurred to me that it was all triangles.

Close up to show all the triangles

The triangle is the Energy Symbol for "Aspects" - and on the personal level, that means versions of yourself through time.

Which is relevant to me as I'm still developing Star Matrix!

Energy Symbol Aspect

This made the connection with another Energy Symbol, THE GIFT.

The Gift is a good surprise from the Universe that you haven't had to work for in order to earn it.

You could call it ... a MIRACLE.

I always thought of the symbol as a gift box with ribbons, but it's what the pyramid looks like when you look straight down at it.

 The Gift from the Energy Symbols = MIRACLE

The Gift from the Energy Symbols = MIRACLE

And that's how the pyramid got it's name - Miracle Pyramid :-)

Well, if it's a Miracle Pyramid, I get to make a wish!

So I wrote a magic dedication onto the reverse of the base.

Once completed and sealed, it cannot be seen again unless the pyramid is destroyed.

The Secret Message in the base :-)

The Secret Message in the base :-)

Bottom of the pyramid all sealed up

Bottom of the pyramid all sealed up


 Just how sparkly this object is cannot be appreciated from the photographs.

Still, here are a few to give an impression.


Miracle Pyramid Reflection

Miracle Pyramid Reflection

Of course, the Mens wanted to get in on the action.

They assured me they had assisted in the creation of this object, and that they were in fact ...

The Pyramid Builders!

The Pyramid Builders!

Miracle Pyramid in the garden with dragon and Mens.

Miracle Pyramid in the garden with dragon and Mens (the 1st Sunrise ritual)

Miracle Pyramid 1st public appearance on Sunday Live

Miracle Pyramid 1st public appearance on Sunday Live

And there we have it.

I own a Miracle Pyramid.


Miracle Pyramid official photo

"Time flexes. Light speed is not a constant. Miracles occur." Silvia Hartmann





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