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My Pain Cartoon (plus My Love Cartoon!)

My Pain Cartoon (plus My Love Cartoon!) Vomiting out your pain onto a canvas (or onto the pages of a book) isn't art. It's not even art therapy, because it isn't healing. This is one of those things in the world of people that needs to change NOW. Because it doesn't heal, help or evolve anything at all. It just passes on the misery to the poor recipients of this pointless negativity. Doesn't do a thing for the artist either. Well, it does. It will destroy the artist if they keep on doing THAT.
My Pain - Cartoon Illustratrion Drawing by Silvia Hartmann 2016
My Pain - Cartoon Illustratrion Drawing by Silvia Hartmann 2016

Please note: The more often our little artist goes through that vicious circle cycle, the more damaged their energy body becomes.

Also, the more gory and extreme does the output become.

Further, let's think of the poor recipients who will get a blast of that misery as they encounter the pain filled object.

This goes across the modalities of art.

Here's the writer's version, spotted on Twitter/X in 2024:

My Pain, writer's version

Yeah, really ... destroying the writer, damaging the reader, and round and round it goes in the "fishtank of insanity."

We need to get people out of that. Our best people are trapped in this insanity.

We need them to CREATE THE SOLUTIONS!!!

Update June 2024
Whilst clearing out the office, I found the Art Solution to the My Pain cartoon. It's a bit battered, but it is!
My Love - Cartoon Illustration by Silvia Hartmann 2019
It really is all about LOVE, and specifically, it is about learning how to love.
I love the idea that you can put your love on a canvas and then other people can take it home and hang it on their wall, where it will sing about love forever.
Oh my ... how wonderful that would be ...
I sincerely hope there'll be a TBC. I do.
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