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No Mistakes Just Happy Accidents!

No Mistakes Just Happy Accidents!

Yes, dear Bob Ross used to say, "There are no mistakes. Just happy accidents!" I took that idea for a walk, turned an "art disaster" into the invitation to play and ended up with the "Happy No Mistakes Bird" - and that was a lot of fun.

The mistake that started the journey ... a right old mess!

The "disaster" as it was ...

Well, here we have what is technically a disaster. Trying to make a mould and failing miserably; the whole thing dissolved and made an epic mess.

However, the thought of, "There are no mistakes, just happy accidents!" sprang to mind.

Once I stopped giggling, I thought, well, that is an unusual colour combination. I'll take a photo ...

Well, and that then was the first step to having some happy fun with the disaster/mistake.


Disaster pic converted to photograph for importing into my art program

Disaster pic converted to photograph for importing into my art program


I played around with the shapes and colours for a while ...

 All sorts of beings are emerging ...

All sorts of beings are emerging ...

... until we ended up with ...

The No Mistakes Bird has arrived!

The No Mistakes! Bird has arrived :-)


That was fun!

Yeah, I know it's not always easy when we "make mistakes" or "mess up" - just sometimes, the No Mistakes bird can flutter into the picture and bring its little song, and a smile.


The No Mistakes Bird happened on 17.3.2020, uploaded 30.12.2020

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