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Patreon of the Arts

Patreon of the Arts

I have not made a spirit doll/art doll in years - but then, I got a sign. Two signs. In a day. So here we have my new entity friend, the Patreon of the Arts. Welcome!

Art Doll Patreon in bright light to show his lovely hair

Patreon Spirit Doll in bright light to show his lovely hair :-)


Two stills from the video The Patreon of the ARts takes a turn



Patreon Portrait from the waist up

Patreon Portrait from the waist up


Patreon of the Arts full picture

The official photo for Patreon of the Arts


Dreamy Patreon

Patreon being dreamy and sparkly


Silvia Hartmann & Patreon happy together :-)

Patreon & Creator Silvia Hartmann

August 2023 Update

There has been a Star Event of connection today and the Patreon's meaning and purpose has unfolded to the next level. That's a beautiful thing. Many things went AHA! - including that sculptures are incredibly magical and powerful in a completely different way to flat art. Fascinating!

Lots of love through the Patreon to those who are my personal Patreons across time and space, backwards, forwards and through all dimensions!

SFX 23


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Text & Images © Silvia Hartmann 1993 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.