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POWER UP! The Comicon 23 Flyer For The Power Of The Positives

POWER UP! The Comicon 23 Flyer For The Power Of The Positives

There was an opportunity to distribute flyers for my new book, The Power of the Positives, at the London Comicon 2023. I tuned in and created the design with Modern Energy Art - which is, surprisingly, all about ENERGY and letting the ENERGY decide what a design should be, the colours, the words, the images, everything. I am very pleased with the result!

The idea was to reflect the idea of a Pokemon card in the design for the small A6 flyer. 

This brought with it the concept of POWER UP! which is exactly what we do in Modern Energy - get higher on the Modern Energy Chart, all the way to Plus 10 Smile


Comicon Flyer front - POWER UP!

Comicon Flyer front: POWER UP!


Now it is my stated intention that everyone in the world should at least see a Modern Energy Chart, once in their lives, and this was a perfect opportunity to make that so. 


Silvia Hartmann's Modern Energy Chart Original Design on dark blue

The Modern Energy Chart by Silvia Hartmann

However, fitting the MEC on an A6 flyer and still having room for a QR code proved challenging, but eventually, I got it done :Smile thanks to THE CLICK. 

Comicon Flyer back with energy chart mens

Comicon Flyer back with the energy mens!


I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed "working" on this flyer, tuning into the energy and the concepts, and I was very pleased with the results. One day, I'll be a hugely collectible artist and these flyers will be worth their weight in gold! Cool

Then, I got some high praise from an unexpect source. My granddaughter said, and I quote, "They're very very good." That delighted me at the multi-level. It proves that elders can still be relevant and connect with younglings - if they try. 

Amber Screenshot

Amber says the flyers are very very good! Smile

Video here 

I so thoroughly enjoyed the whole process from idea to manifestation of Project Comicon. 

It's a wonderful thing to have a something go from an idea via a computer drawing to a real world object that can be HANDED to other people. Which can transmit energy, information and the idea that we can indeed power up, and if you want to learn how to do that, the information is right here. 


From computer design into the Hard!


The Comicon Flyer is an example of doing something high energy that is fun and I have the feeling, it's a gift that will keep on giving. 

I would love to have a version of rEvolution in manga/graphic novel format. And of course, there is still The Stars On The Cutting Room Floor! 

The journey continues ... Smile

Arrived At London Comicon 23!

 Update: The flyers (they are more like cards!) have arrived at the 2023 London Comicon! Awesome!

I just love it when an idea goes all the way through to manifestation!





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