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Silvia's Treasure Chests

Silvia's Treasure Chests

I am in love with treasure chests as a metaphor. Here's why and a collection of treasure chests from across time and space.

I am in love with treasure chests as a metaphor. I know why that is so!

When I was three years old, an unknown Star Person gave my little aspect a cardboard treasure chest for a Christmas present. Inside there were many wonderful toys, including sparkling plastic jewellry and some little horses. The little girl was beyond amazed, beyond happy, and the many, many, many hours of play wonderment that ensued cannot even be described.

Treasure Chests that bring infinite, eternal joy have accompanied me all my life, and if you never had the Treasure Chest experience, I would invite you to go into Sanctuary, to the shores of the Universal Ocean, where a Treasure Chest awaits you, made for you, made by you, that aches to be opened. With lots of love from me to you, and eternal gratitude to the unknown Star Person who gave that gift that lasted a lifetime. <3


Silvia's Treasure Chests

Star Matrix Treasure Chest by Silvia Hartmann

Star Matrix Treasure Chest by Silvia Hartmann 2020


Treasure Chest Vector by Silvia Hartmann

Treasure Chest Pure Vector Symbol Hybrid by Silvia Hartmann


Treasure Chest Of Star Memories

Treasure Chest Of Star Memories 2023


Treasure Chest of Positives

Treasure Chest of Positives 2023


Treasure Chest Of Positives II by Silvia Hartmann

Treasure Chest Of Positives II by Silvia Hartmann 2023


Silvia's Treasure Chest

Silvia's Treasure Chest


There are many more treasure chests in the archives, I will add them as I come across them.

Treasures & Riches to all! :-)

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Text & Images © Silvia Hartmann 1993 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.