The Sparkly Mermaid - an energy art symbol hybrid painting.
Added Sep 16, 2017
| 4,593 Reads
I received a commission for a sparkly mermaid in turquoise.
The drawing of the (energy art power-) lines turned out interesting. There is some serious geometry going in this energy design.
The Sparkly Mermaid inhabits a zone where the deep meets the surface ...

Sparkly Mermaid Geometry
After much layering, sparkling and lacquering, here is the Sparkly Mermaid in the sunshine.

Sadly, what the human eye sees is not what the camera sees.
In order to get a sense of just how sparkly this Sparkly Mermaid is, I had to de-focus the camera.
So you have to try and imagine what this really looks like ...

Here's a vector version. Nothing as sparkly as the original!

And here's the happy recipient with her new painting. Happy Birthday!
Added Sep 16, 2017
| 4,593 Reads