It begins! Some hours of truly fiddly placements of plants, rocks and squid :-) all of which were of course clicked into their perfect places in time and space, and the application of some new type of as yet unknown resin, AND waiting for 2 weeks for the resin to set completely, it's time for turning!

Now Martin LOVES to turn wood but completely hates turning resin :-) I appreciate the dragon slaying aspect of this endeavour :-)

The squid were going nuts on the lathe when it was turning (there is a video of this somewhere, psycho squid!) which apparently made Martin feel quite nauseous. I shouldn't laugh, really ...
A considerable time and after much sanding and polishing and turning later, and we have ...

The completed Squid Garden energy artefact!
I love it! :-)

Static photos don't do it justice. You got to hold it in your hand and look inside ...

Tiny little bubbles formed around the squid's tentacles, and there are sparkles in there too.
Every view of it, from every angle, creates a new and different colourful vista to get lost and dreamy with ...
It's really like having a whole exhibition of colourful underwater activities in a single item :-) Neat! :-)

Of course, the Mens were immediately attracted to the object and started communing with the squid :-)

I am loving this object. It is so, so soothing, happy, playful and such a reminder of the "Oceans of Energy," which are quite real, and we can go there, anytime we need it, anytime we want; even a little glimpse brings back a little happiness.
That's precious beyond prize; and just what the energy doctor ordered right here, right now.
The Squid Garden energy artefact was completed on Friday the 13th, 2020.
Perfect, just in time ...