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The Joy Of Simple Line Drawings :-)

The Joy Of Simple Line Drawings :-)

During the 2019 Modern Energy Art Course, I got into the joy of simple line drawings.

* This is a placeholder for a collection I'm going to make.

The Lucky Star :-)

 The Lucky Star - Simple Drawing by Silvia Hartmann

People Painting

I love this image. I truly LOVE it. When we think in terms of energy hands touching energy bodies, gently, lovingly, artistically, we gain a whole new sense of what "hands on" energy stuff can be like, when you get over all that dour panic stricken "healing" and into joy, and evolution, and love, and expansion, and unlocking all the colours in the universe to paint a brighter, better picture for tomorrow. In Sanctuary, we can do this so beautifully with other people, and why not get some live people together and let them paint each other in love for a change? It's just a beautiful thing.

People Painting by Silvia Hartmann

People Painting by Silvia Hartmann



The Umbrella Ghosties

Umbrella Ghosties by Silvia Hartmann

:-) The Umbrella Ghosties by Silvia Hartmann :-)


 Sending Love

Sending Love

Sending Love by Silvia Hartmann


Lady In Red

 lady in red


Simple line drawing of a woman in bed remembering the best moment of her day

Sweet dreams are made of Star Matrix!

"Before going to sleep, find the best moment of the day. Build those life changing neural pathways that lead to more happiness!"


Simple line drawing of a person dancing with the moon

Moon Dance


Simple line drawing of a motorbike

It's A Motorbike!



More coming soon :-)

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