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The Modern Energy Art Group Has 1,000 Members!

The Modern Energy Art Group Has 1,000 Members!

The first ever group for Modern Energy Art (MEA) has just welcomed its 1,000th member!

Modern Energy Art Group has 1,000 members


It's been a long road ... 20 years, actually, since Art Solutions entered into Modern Energy and changed everything.

"Don't paint the problem - paint the SOLUTION!"

This brought us the Power of the Positives and led us all the way to Star Matrix.

When you have something so radically different from everything else that is known, that is established, that is dominating everything, it might seem that it's impossible to offer an alternative. And yes, it is very hard and incredibly frustrating, running up against the old all the time.

However, if it has merit, and MEA absolutely has, and a person doesn't give up, doesn't surrender, you can get some people to listen. Just one or two. Then ten. Ten years later, there's a thousand.

I consider this a huge mile stone to have reached.

I believe in Modern Energy Art.

One day, there will be a million people who know about it, and things will start to change for the better - for the artists, for the community, for humanity.

I might not be around to celebrate it, but it will happen.

Onward and upward!




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