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Un-photoshopped images of beautiful things that seem abstract but are actually in existence, framed and shaped by light and colour - WonderWorlds photography by Silvia Hartmann.

Wonderworlds ... this is something I have always done, for as long as I can remember.

It is looking at things in a different way, looking for the beauty, the amazement, the magic.

When you do that, you find it.

And sometimes, you're lucky enough to capture a glimpse of it in a photograph.

The WonderWorlds photos are all simple photographs of real things. There is no photoshopping here at all, that's not the point.

You play with materials, with patterns, with lights and ask whatever it is you're photographing to reveal its inner beauty to you.

Sometimes it's so easy, and other times, you have to stand firm and say, "I know that there is beauty in you, there's magic. SHOW ME, REVEAL YOURSELF TO ME."

It is in the abstract WonderWorld photos I practised that and then, much later, came to apply it to other forms of photography too. Including taking pictures of people.

I love composing with colours and lights and then taking the shot.

I love the process of entering into the WonderWorlds ...



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