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The Artmens Energy Paintings Exhibition January 2017

The Artmens Energy Paintings Exhibition January 2017

Here is the story how the mens got into energy painting, energy art and art solutions and their very own energy art exhibition of their very own energy paintings! (And one sculpture!)

Collectively, they call themselves THE ARTMENS :-) - here is their work. 

So ...

One day, a package of rather small paint samples arrived.

The mens were all over them and had a thousand questions.

What do you do with this? Why are they different colours? What is art? What is energy painting? What is art solutions? ... ... ...

Followed by ...



Of course, my darling mens!

But ... just before I let you little guys loose in the house with huge pots full of paint, I think we might need to contain the situation ... :-)

A studio was build and mens sized paints, brushes, easels and boards were acquired.

The first and most excited volunteer, a mens from the dichroic tribe, in the brand spanking new studio, all ready to go.

What will it create????

The mens went a little mad, it's true! It had the best time though ...

The first ever energy painting by a mens! Everyone was so very proud of the artist - and immensely inspired.

There were requests for glitter, gold leaf, fimo and other materials - and the mens set to work.

They decided to call themselves the Artmens and when they were done, wanted to have an exhibition to show the world their art solutions energy paintings.

  • Art Solutions Energy Paintings: Creating a work of art with a set up that works like a magic spell and brings about the change the energy artist has wished for/desired. Creating a magical, energy rich object that will change the world.




The Artmens First Exhibition

January 2017, Eastbourne, UK



"Bringing Happiness Into The World" by Green Transparent Mens


"Bringing Light Into The World Of Men" by Citrine Mens (the elder)


"Capturing The Hearts Of Humans!" by Red Mens


"Colourful Experiences!!!"

This dichroic mens just rolled around in paint, then refused to have it washed off. He wants to be known as Artmens from now now!


"Discovering Mysterious Pools" by Sparkly Blue Mens


"Freedom To Be Young And Happy For All Humans!" by Dichroic Mens


"Happy Families!" by Citrine mens (the younger).

Mens want to be a part of the family - the HAPPY family, it explained.


"Happy Happy Flowers" by Minimens from the Shell Tribe.


"Humans and Mens" by Sparkly Night mens. A very thoughtful little guy xxx


"It's A Mens!!!"

Red bobble hat mens found some tiny pieces of Fimo and lovingly assembled them into a mens sculpture - life size!


"I Want For The Creator To Let Us GROW!" by metal minimens No. 4

(Creator: "I'm not so sure about that ..." 8-0 )


"I Want Our Creator To Allow Us To Help Her!" by Smoky Grey mens.

Aaah ... xxx


"I Want The Creator To Be HAPPY!" by Moss mens.

Sniffle ...


"Mens Are Filled With Magic!!!" by Completely Transparent E mens.

Mmmh I wonder if this was inspired by my Mirrorman or if it was just the big sack of glitter ...


"Mens Are The Gift!" by Sea&Sky mens.


"Finding The City Of Gold" by Gold Mens

I wonder if it wants to find a home that resonates with it ...?


"Mens Are Super Stars!" by Nightblue Mens

Oh yes, they are! Each one xxx!!!


"Mens Sparkle!!!" by Sparkly Rose mens.


"Mens Stories Bring Magic & Imagination!" by Blue Mens.

This mens must have been inspired by my Story Island painting, which was in the same room at the time.


"A Million Moments Of Happiness!!!" by Amber mens


"Millions Of Mens Connecting With Millions Of Humans!" by Sparkly Turquoise mens.


"Showing The Children The Magic" by 1st Gen Green mens.


"Soft Surprises!" by Pink Transparent mens.


Hey look! I am pink!


All the artmens with their energy paintings!



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