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Magic Carpet

Magic Carpet

Finished just in time for my birthday, The Magic Carpet is a gift.

Magic Carpet Under Construction 1

Magic Carpet Under Construction 1


Magic Carpet Under Construction 2

Magic Carpet Under Construction 2


Magic Carpet Under Construction 3

Magic Carpet Under Construction 3


Magic Carpet's first sunrise

Magic Carpet's first sunrise


Magic Carpet with Silvia Hartmann, August 22 2021

Magic Carpet with Silvia Hartmann, August 22 2021


Magic Carpet on Sunday Live August 22 21

Magic Carpet on Sunday Live August 22 21 - The topic was, "What is fun???"

 SSilvia Hartmann 62nd Birthday Picture with Magic Carpet

As Magic Carpet appeared just in time for my birthday on the 23rd, I also decided to include it in the annual birthday picture.


Birthday pic 21 with Magic Carpet


The sequence of events: 1 - Inspiration, 2 - UFO, 3 - Magic Carpet

(and then there was RED)



Magic Carpet - The Vector Version

It's fun to have a hard version and a vector version.

I enjoyed making these.

 Magic Carpet Vector Version Landscape

Magic Carpet Vector Version Landscape


Magic Carpet Vector Version Portrait

Magic Carpet Vector Version Portrait


Magic Carpet Vector Version to colour in :-)

Magic Carpet Vector Version to colour in :-)

Silvia's Silver Copyright Symbol
Text & Images © Silvia Hartmann 1993 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.