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Yellow Duck

Yellow Duck

The Yellow Duck is the first ever official "symbol hybrid" (although, arguably, there was a precursor to this - The 11 Mysterious Flying Eggs from 2004). 

See also Symbol Hybrids - Compromise or Evolution? and more Symbol Hybrid Paintings that followed the Yellow Duck.


Yellow Duck Painting by Silvia Hartmann - Happy Duck on a pond

Yellow Duck, 16x20 acrylics on canvas, Silvia Hartmann 2005/2006


And a little fun - Yellow Duck in huge at a museum for modern art!

Yellow Duck in the museum



Yellow Duck Owner Alex Kent with painting

Alex's Yellow Duck - The Yellow Duck painting, acrylics on canvas, 16" x 20" by Silvia Hartmann 2005/6

Yes, it's a happy, happy yellow duck, happily paddling along on a blue pond, with a background of happy green vegetation!

It started out as a bit of a joke, with firstborn son Alex saying that I should paint things like ducks, that would be more popular than the very abstract symbol paintings, and a lot less disturbing at that. 

"Why don't you paint something so people can know what it is?"

"Right," I said somewhere between grimly insulted and slightly amused.

"You shall have your duck ..."

I made the outline for the painting, and then the canvas with the outline simply vanished from the face of the Earth. How can you lose a canvas? I don't know. But it re-appeared some ten months later just as magically, and it happened to be April 1st.

How appropriate ...

So I finished the duck that very day, glazed it the next and actually, I really like it. It's cute and amusing. In fact, I have a certain level of resistance for Alex to come and take it away.

But I'm consoling myself with this web page and that in spirit, the duck will sail on :-)

Original posting from 2006


Yellow Duck Vector Version

Yellow Duck by Silvia Hartmann  - Vector Version


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