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Exhibition Atmosphere 2014

Exhibition Atmosphere

@ OneArt Gallery Studio

Eastbourne, April - May 2014

Great opening night on Saturday, April 26th with an amazing turnout of local artists and supporters. The gallery was packed from the moment it opened until it closed at 9pm without a fail - a wonderful experience and opportunity to meet new people.

My personal favourite moment came when someone who had heard the story of "Artist" from someone else was relaying it to a group of five other people in front of the painting, like a tour group in a museum. I joined them and thoroughly enjoyed hearing people's reactions and comments on this painting.

An excellent experience and a good start to the new artist's incarnation :-)




Alex Kent & Abigail Fuller's painting

Silvia Hartmann & Alex Kent

Atmosphere Artists: Silvia Hartmann, Abigail Fuller, Kit Black, Louise Order-Sewell

Atmosphere Artists: Silvia Hartmann, Abigail Fuller, Kit Black, Louise Order-Sewell

Silvia Hartmann, Abigail Fuller & An End To The Starving Artist, April 26th 2014.

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