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Exhibition Gatwick 2010

2010 Gatwick Energy Art Exhibition

Silvia Hartmann

Mirrorman Sculpture

The Mirrorman

2007 - small sculpture 12" H approx. 000

Time Symbol

Time Symbol

Sept. 16th, 2008 - 30" W x 40" H - 001

One of the Genius Symbols

dreaming turtle

A Lighter Kind Of Love

February 2010 - 24" H x 18" W - 002 Codename "Dreaming Turtle"

tree of life

Tree of Life

23.8.2009 - 30" W x 40"H - 003

50th Birthday Present To Silvia

Asked & Answered

Asked & Answered

Jan 23, 2004 - 30" W x 40" H - 004

Art solutions on the topic of child abuse

Deep Healing - FreiformFreiform

November 2009 - 24" H x 18" W - 005

aka "Deep Healing" - Comes with a German poem.

Light Angels - New Directions In Love

New Directions In Love

28.5.2008 - 18" W x 24" H - 007

Codename Light Angels

Band of Brothers, Family conflict resolution

Band of Brothers

31. 03. 2004 -  24" W x 30" H - 008

"Family conflict resolution"

Music, Magic & LoveMusic, Magic & Love

14th Feb 2007 - 24" W x 30" H - 009 - Note on back - with xtra Valentine's day magic!

Pyramid ValleyPyramid Valley

1.1. 2004 -  24" W x 30" H - 010

A Project Sanctuary painting



28. 12. 2003 -  24" W x 30" H - 011



2004 - 24" W x 30" H - 012

Inspired the "Diva" poem & Goddess Poetry Collection

 Autumn ForestsAutumn Forests

January 2004 - 24" x 24" - 013 - Hang diagonally!

Storm Of AngelsStorm Of Angels

February 2004 - 24" x 24" - 014 - Hang diagonally!

Magic For The Good Of AllMagic For The Good Of All

08.01.2004 - 16" W x 20" H - 016 - Magic, Spells & Potions pre-start up dedication

Meditations On Gold, Red & BlackMeditations On Gold, Red & Black

Sept 2006 - 16" W x 20" H - 017 - aka The German Painting

Re-Defining Pink & Purple aka The Love GuardianRe-Defining Pink & Purple

ca. 2004 - 16" W x 20" H - 020 - aka The Love Guardian

Voodoo GuardianVoodoo Guardian

24. 12. 2003 - 16" W x 20" H - 021


Solar Sailor Ship of DreamsSolar Sailor

ca 2007 - 16" W x 20" H - 022

There is a poem of the same title a precursor for The Golden Voyager.

Magic In The Material UniverseMagic In The Material Universe

2005, 16" W x 20" H - 016, 023

Codename Lots of Magic

The Golden HorseThe Golden Horse

July 6th, 2005 - 16" W x 20" H - 024

Belongs to The Golden Horse Fairy Tale, also front panel cover of original 1st edition The Golden Horse & Other Stories

Healing HandsHealing Hands

March 2006 - 24" H x 18" W - 025


New Unfoldments - The FloweringNew Unfoldments

May 8th, 2006 - 12" W x 16" H - 030

Codename "The Flowering"

Meditation in Green & Gold - Codename Meditation in Green & Gold

12" W x35 1/2" H - 033

Codename "The Money Tree"


Little Horses

Little Horses

October 2009 - 20" H x 27 1/2 W - 034


September 2009 - The Magic Bird - 12" W x 16" H - 035

English Title Magic Bird. German language hypno-poem The Zaubervogel with this painting. There is also a designed vector version.

the mermaidsThe Mermaids

19. 02. 2004 - 24" W x 30" H - 038

Deep Sea Jewels Fairy Tale inspired by a poem which came whilst painting this. This painting has a direct predecessor "Portal To The Island". Poem on back of canvas "Bright Jewels"

island in the sky, city in the sky, hieroshi paintingIsland In The Sky

April 24th, 2004 - 24" W x 30" H - 038

Painting inspired by Hiroshi Yamauchi. Also known as City In The Sky. Inspired poem "City In The Sky".

Soften & FlowSoften & Flow

8.04.04 - 24" W x 30" H - 042

The EMO Symbol Painting

Portal To The IslandPortal To The Island

19.2.2004 - 24" W x 30" H - 041

Precursor to The Mermaids


11 Mysterious Flying Eggs

April 18th, 2004 - 24" W x 30" H - 043

Is related to the 11 series of small abstract oil paintings.

Message From The Other Side

2004 - 24" W x 30" H - 045

Left handed painting, also known as the guardian to protect the innocence of a child.

The Soul PilotsThe Soul Pilots

4.2. 2004 - 24" W x 30" H - 046

Inspired the Soul Pilots project, book, and stories.


 Coping With PeopleCoping With People

Feb 2010 - 24" H x 18" W - 052

Codename Space Squid

The Magic MachineThe Magic Machine

October 2009 - 16" x 16" square, 047 - Genius Symbol Mandala Gameboard.

The Dancers

The Dancers

ca 2007 - 3 sculptures 14" H approx. - 050

aka Golden Dancers, related to ET Energy Dancing

Silvia's Silver Copyright Symbol
Text & Images © Silvia Hartmann 1993 - 2024. All Rights Reserved.